Thanks to the help of countless volunteers, generous sponsors, and the charitable donation of the Dr. Jonathan Pitney Recreation Park from the city of Absecon, we were able to bring this dream to reality.
If you or someone you know wants to be a part of the Field of Dreams, please let us know. We’re always looking for volunteers to help out on the field during games, behind the counter at the concession stand, or behind the scenes coordinating a variety of events and projects to keep the dream going. Wherever your talents lie, there’s no doubt they would be an asset to help our cause.
As a volunteer at South Jersey Field of Dreams you’re here to assist our Special athletes in any way necessary. Below are some general guidelines while they are “fielding,” when “hitting” or “running.” These guidelines are intended to give general instruction, but do not cover every situation. It is important to remember that each “athlete” will need a different level of assistance. Some may incur unique challenges while playing. Please know that our staff is watching and will immediately assist you if any unique challenge occurs.
- Avoid standing in the base paths. Some runners take a wide turn.
- No fielder should be located in front of the pitcher’s mound
- Stand near your player in a position that will allow you to protect him or her from a batted or thrown ball
- When your player is ready to throw a ball, be sure the receiver is ready to receive the ball
Softly Hit Ball
- Allow the player to field the ball alone
- Direct the player with respect to where to throw the ball
Hard Hit Ball
- If the ball is heading to the outfield, let it go
- If the ball is in the infield, knock it down, if necessary, and then allow the player to field the ball
ATHLETE WITH LIMITED MOBILITY (walker, wheelchair, etc.)
- Field the ball, or ask another player to field the ball and hand it to your player to allow them to throw it or hold it momentarily
- Assist the player in throwing the ball, if necessary
- When talking with a player using a wheelchair, always position yourself at their eye level and talk face-to-face
At the end of an inning, all players and volunteers should remain on the field until the last base runner crosses home plate.
- Help your player choose a bat and helmet and get into batting position
- After they hit the ball, move towards first base and encourage the player to follow you
Thrown Pitch
- Allow the player to swing at the pitch and assist if needed
- If the player is not successful at hitting a thrown pitch, encourage them to use the tee
- Set the ball in place when the fielders are ready and get the player into batting position
- Assist the player in swinging the bat when necessary
- Make sure the player drops the bat before running and that you are aware of the location of the bat
Base Running
- Runners usually only advance one base each time; unless last batter…it’s a home run
- You should run with your player and stay close enough to protect him or her from a batted or thrown ball
- Sometimes, you may need to direct your player where to run next
- Give our special athlete’s some space when they are coming to home plate. Some have unique “sliding” talents for the crowd when scoring!
- Make face to face eye contact. Exchange names – Smile & Laugh with the Player
- Encourage their efforts with enthusiasm in each aspect of the game.
- Have fun and enjoy your time here….our Athletes will do the same for you!!
Thank you for wanting to spend your time with our Special athletes…we appreciate YOU!!!
Complete the form below.
Volunteers must be at least 16 years old due to insurance requirements.